We are a Carbon Neutral Farm
We have done it for 5 years with no connection to the National Grid, and a lot of hand work

NO Electric for 5 years running!
When we started growing veg here in summer 2013 we did so without getting power to the building. Since then we have managed to get by without power for 5 years! We work quickly in day light hours in the winter and this time of year we use the fridge in the van to keep the veggies cool. But some how we have managed to get by and to be honest we don't even think about it.
The main reason we have no power (even though 100m from our boundary there are over head power lines) is Scottish Power want an obscene amount of money just to connect to our site.
I see that larger farms supplying supermarkets use huge volumes of electric and fuel to move veg around the country, clogging our roads etc. However if we went back to utilising local producers, perhaps no electric could work, as we are proving, and there is hardly any fuel used in comparison. An onion from Holland looks exactly the same as an onion from Cheshire. But one has cost the environment much more!!
Best, David x