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News Years resolutions - what should you do?

Gb Web Farm 2018 52

Whilst we were picking carrots today in this lovely mild December weather, the weekly decision of what to write about dawned on me.

Usually this time of year its all about healthy eating, new year resolutions etc. But most us will have given up on these resolutions by February.

Now I am not being pessimistic about making new decisions for the year or even decade ahead. But why wait till the new year, let's get them going now.

If you want a leaner body for the new year, the principle I understand is really simple - if you eat 2500 calories and burn off 2000 per day then you will put on weight. When you're picking veg all day you really burn off a lot of calories. But I doubt a veg gym will be very popular.

So my tip for the year ahead is to follow the latin origin of the word vegetable which meant to ‘be in action’ not a bad a bad principle at all.

But of course there are bigger goals than a leaner body and apparently the bigger the goal the less likely one is to give up on it.

We have some star high goals for Groobarbs this year. We're going to open the Field Kitchen in the spring, increase the area of veg growing by 40% and we're going to increase the size of my family by 25%, yes Rebecca is due in February… we think we don’t have any time now..!”

by David Fryer on 29th December 2019