If it looks similar why is the price different? Why should I pay more even if it looks the same? Continue reading
We are a Carbon Neutral Farm We have done it for 5 years with no connection to the National Grid, and a lot of hand work Continue reading
Your dedicated farmers! What does it take to get the job done? Find out from your farmers David & Rebecca Fryer Continue reading
Locally grown veg will save fuel emissions Eating your greens will cut global emissions if we all get on board Continue reading
Toxic Spuds and Natures Doozers If you grew up in the 1980's you will remember Fraggle Rock! Continue reading
How to fold your Box About 75% of veg boxes are returned each week so we can use them again. Can we make it 100%? Continue reading
Washing your veg without Chemicals Did you know that supermarket veg is washed in a chemical solution mixed with water? Continue reading
Cancer & the Veg Solution It is now scientifically proven that eating certain veg stops cancer of the colon. Continue reading